Driving the city of joy on the wheels of sustainability, Moving Kolkata - Kolkata Moving explores inclusive dialogues around climate change and sustainable urban development. To get Kolkata moving, we talk to the people, communities and changemakers of the city threatened by rising sea levels and haphazard urbanization.

Our Story

One of the Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Moving Kolkata - Kolkata Moving is working around this theme to encourage real engagement from people living in a city hit hard by climate change.

Moving Kolkata combines aspects of climate change, sustainability, heritage and communities – in a project where artists and communities are invited to share and co-create solutions for the future of Kolkata’s sustainable development.

Our Goal

Through a series of conversations, we are gathering insights on how the citizens of Kolkata experience and deal with these issues of sustainability in their everyday life. Learning and sharing high impact, low tech and community-led solutions is the goal of this initiative.

Local artists and artisans will then turn these conversations into SDG-inspired artworks, while Indian and European photographers document the project activities for the project website and social media. The project culminates with an art exhibition in Delhi, exploring the potential of collaborative public art in sharing best practices and hacks for living with climate change.

Catch Moving Kolkata In Motion