Driving the city of joy on the wheels of sustainability, Moving Kolkata - Kolkata Moving explores inclusive dialogues around climate change and sustainable urban development. To get Kolkata moving, we talk to the people, communities and changemakers of the city threatened by rising sea levels and haphazard urbanization.

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The city of Kolkata faces multiple existential threats at once, from climate change (rising sea levels threatening to submerge the city in the next few years, heat waves, extreme weather events...) to rampant social inequalities and imbalance. Yet we see passionate individuals from all walks of life dedicatedly working to make the city better and safer for its people and the environment.

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The Sustainability Insights talk about places in Kolkata that have created an ecosystem of sustainable livelihoods, economic performance and minimum carbon emission.

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Move around Kolkata

Discover the City of Joy through new lenses as you travel through its sustainable hotspots and spaces!

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Be part of the Moving Kolkata movement! You can submit informative articles for our Sustainability Insights section, or photos for the Photo Gallery which positively present or highlight solutions towards a sustainable Kolkata.

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Here is an open space for passionate citizens to nurture a dialogue on sustainable development, green growth and social inclusion in Kolkata. We welcome you to bring in your ideas and speak up your mind towards a better city!

The forum will be available and activated soon, get your questions and ideas ready!

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